Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I found a website that shows how to make a CNC mill. Check it out at:

Having a machine that could build custom parts would be very helpful. But, it is a big project. Let me know if you are interested.


NURC was awesome! I worked really hard. I didn't get much sleep. I really enjoyed it.

Seeing all the different designs inspired me. I wanted to start building my own rov right then.

During the course setup for NURC I noticed that the pool camera bases were a pain to get placed correctly. I had the thought that next year we could build four low cost rov's and stick them in the four corners of the pool. We could get better video of the missions if the cameras were mounted on an rov instead of a stationary mount. Connect some thrusters and a camera to a frame and the battery could remain on land. We shall see.