Saturday, September 4, 2010

CopperCon 30

We all had a good time at CopperCon although it was very hot. There was a club there that all they do is build robots from the Starwars movies. They had three R2D2's! We took a picture with our robot Heather and R2D2. We talked with them for a while. Apparently George Lucus likes what they do, since he gave them the sound files for the Star Wars robots. I think Eddy convinced them to try omni wheels on their next project.

There was a "Women in Science" discussion panel. I don't think the team wanted to go, but I made them. The first lady was a chemistry teacher at Glendale Community college and the second lady was an astronomer from the Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico (trivia fact - I used to live about 10 miles from that observatory). The adults talked about their road through college and into the workforce. They basically said everything Ledge says about hard work and education. The team was very respectful, but it wasn't the first time they had heard that speech.

I think Josh won the award for most tax credit pamphlets handed out. Good job.

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